Commodore 64c | Meet the C64 with Jan Beta | Trash to Treasure (1/3) ▶26:18
Commodore 64c | A Restoration (almost) | Trash to Treasure (2/3) ▶17:14
"Left for dead" Commodore 64C made beautiful again! ▶18:33
Commodore 64c | Restored and Toured | Trash to Treasure (3/3) ▶19:41
Teardown and refurbishment of a retro Commodore 64C Part 1 ▶16:03
Building a new Commodore 64 in 2019 using the Ultimate 64 ▶4:22
Commodore 64 - Breadbin Vs. C64c - Review & Overview ▶30:20
Is This The Only C64 Cartridge You Ever Really Need? ▶10:47
Is "TheC64 Maxi" any good? - Full sized C64 Unboxing and Review ▶12:22
Commodore 64C Retro Restore - Not powering on, Missing Power LED and needs a good clean up ▶15:18
Commodore 64C Retro Restore - Not powering on, Missing Power LED and needs a good clean up ▶5:49
chipsynth C64 launch demo (PAL C64C capture) ▶16:36
Doc64 *26 | Commodore C64 | What's the PLA for and how does it work? ▶13:20
Doc64 *26 | Commodore C64 | What's the PLA for and how does it work? ▶15:22
Commodore 64 left outside for over a decade! Could it still work?? ▶44:52
About the ALDI Commodore 64 ▶20:49
Exploring TheC64 "Maxi" Full-Size Commodore 64 Replica ▶17:18
Can you build a brand new Commodore 64 from (nearly) 100% new parts? ▶7:44
Can you build a brand new Commodore 64 from (nearly) 100% new parts? ▶34:49
Aztec Challenge on a Commodore 64 ▶0:32
Commodore 64 II (model C64C) Keyboard Replacement ▶15:33
This Century's First 100% New Commodore 64! ▶25:46
[C64] Ultimax Unleashed ! (C64 cartridge) ▶6:19
The Atari 800 - Considering it was released years ahead of the C64 - it was a pretty close match! ▶1:04:12
The Atari 800 - Considering it was released years ahead of the C64 - it was a pretty close match! ▶14:12
Combined C64 Diagnostics & Dead Test Cartridge ▶10:20
3 Things You Can Do With THEC64 That AREN'T Games! ▶3:21
Building a new C64 in 2020 ▶17:33
PART 3: Making and Using My C64 Cartridge | *C64 *Commodore *Retro *PCBWay ▶13:24
PART 3: Making and Using My C64 Cartridge | *C64 *Commodore *Retro *PCBWay ▶12:32
The Essential Top Ten: The 10 Greatest Commodore 64 Games ▶9:58
Canabalt on the Commodore 64 ▶5:24
Ultimately, I might never feel the need to use an actual c64 again if this is as good as it sounds! ▶33:08
Ultimately, I might never feel the need to use an actual c64 again if this is as good as it sounds! ▶36:06
The Best 10 Commodore C64 movie based games! ▶10:13
Connect Your Commodore 64 to VGA in MINUTES! ▶0:41
Commodore C64 (C64C) Disk & Tape Loading Fault (Repair) ▶7:42
Star Trek on the Commodore 64 ▶12:51
Commodore 64 troubleshooting part 2 - dead test and diagnostic cartridge ▶4:34
Commodore 64 troubleshooting part 2 - dead test and diagnostic cartridge ▶23:17
Cleaning and fixing a C64C Keyboard ▶2:01
All Commodore 64 Models ▶16:29
Rare Drean Commodore 64C ▶14:01
Might and Magic for Commodore 64 ▶5:58
MiSTer (FPGA) Commodore 64: Quick look at C64 OS running on SD2IEC ▶22:27
MiSTer (FPGA) Commodore 64: Quick look at C64 OS running on SD2IEC ▶7:28
Can a TheC64 joystick be used to play C64 games without a TheC64? ▶8:00
Super Cycle on the Commodore 64 ▶41:48
Commodore 64 loading .tap files from SD card ▶3:20
EVERY COMMODORE 64 "GAME" OF 1982. C64 C64C C128 CBM64 ▶1:51
Zone Ranger on a Commodore 64 ▶5:57
Galaxy on a Commodore 64 ▶12:49
Making a Commodore C64 S-Video Cable ▶23:37
Commodore 64 C C64C Personal Computer Review ▶18:28
How to Install a JiffyDOS into a Commodore 64 ▶6:15
PART 2: C64 Cartridge PCB Layout Using KiCAD! *C64 *KiCAD *PCBWay ▶26:31
PART 2: C64 Cartridge PCB Layout Using KiCAD! *C64 *KiCAD *PCBWay ▶10:37
They Call It Scene Funk by Uneksija (C64C) (8580R5) (Real hardware recording) ▶17:15
They Call It Scene Funk by Uneksija (C64C) (8580R5) (Real hardware recording) ▶5:46
Girls they want to have fun on a Commodore 64 ▶5:09
Hat Trick on the Commodore 64 ▶16:19
Skate or Die on a Commodore 64 ▶6:58
10 Amazing Commodore 64 Games System Facts ▶18:59
Commodore C64 (C64C) 1541 Ultimate II Overview ▶2:38
Herobotix on a Commodore 64 ▶34:01
Commodore 64 (C64) RAM (Out of Memory) / Keyboard Repair & More ▶24:56
SD2IEC for the Commodore 64 ▶9:47
Commodore 64 Black Screen Repair (c64) ▶15:12
How to open and gut a C64C power supply ▶7:51
Nonterraqueous on a Commodore 64 ▶7:11
Refurbish This! Commodore 64 2/2 - Clean, New Case & Finale | see description ▶23:22
Refurbish This! Commodore 64 2/2 - Clean, New Case & Finale | see description ▶4:35
Commodore 64 Geräte und Modelle ▶16:37
Commodore 64 1541 Floppy Disk Drive Test Demo Disk Explored - Dave Bradley - Episode 544 - C64 C-64 ▶8:19
Commodore 64 1541 Floppy Disk Drive Test Demo Disk Explored - Dave Bradley - Episode 544 - C64 C-64 ▶3:49
Commodore 64 SD2IEC how to load games from SD Card ▶5:58
The GOLDEN C64C! - Building a new Commodore C64C - Part 3 - Fixing issues and making a case ▶3:29
The GOLDEN C64C! - Building a new Commodore C64C - Part 3 - Fixing issues and making a case ▶7:01
Introduction to C64 BASIC Programming ▶14:01
Archon on a Commodore 64 ▶11:56
Predator on a Commodore 64 ▶10:38
Pitstop 2 on a Commodore 64 ▶3:56
Pipes on the Commodore 64 ▶18:39
Using GEOS and diskswapping with an SD2IEC on your commodore 64. ▶7:52
Karate Champ on the Commodore 64 ▶27:08
Commodore C64 Breadbin into C64c Case ▶17:23
How to Install a JiffyDOS into a Commodore 64 ▶6:03
Prop Notch by Fegolhuzz (C64C) (8580R5) (Real hardware recording) ▶9:06
Ghosts 'n Goblins on a Commodore 64 ▶13:52
C64C Tinkering ▶14:44
Star Soldier on the Commodore 64 ▶4:28
Commodore 64 Restoration: Upgrading to ARMSID for Ultimate Sound Quality! ▶15:51
Commodore 64 Restoration: Upgrading to ARMSID for Ultimate Sound Quality! ▶23:02
Revenge of the Mutant Camels on the Commodore 64 ▶4:31
Create your own library of c64 cartridges with this Versa64Cart single or mult-cart solution! ▶9:42
Create your own library of c64 cartridges with this Versa64Cart single or mult-cart solution! ▶3:08
Soul Space by Acrouzet (C64C) (8580R5) (Real hardware recording) ▶3:58
Not Quite a C64 - But just as good, maybe better? ▶7:34
Commodore 64C Part Two - Rebuild & Test! ▶15:36
PART 1: Designing a New Retro Games Cartridge in 2022! *C64 *KiCAD *PCBWay ▶9:10
PART 1: Designing a New Retro Games Cartridge in 2022! *C64 *KiCAD *PCBWay ▶56:11
TheC64 "Maxi" Firmware Update v1.5.2: Joystick Swapping & REU support ▶11:33
TheC64 "Maxi" Firmware Update v1.5.2: Joystick Swapping & REU support ▶27:00
Mighty Bomb Jack on the Commodore 64 ▶
Image backgrounds in KiCad6 nightly (C64C Motherboard KiCad Replica update 0) ▶
Image backgrounds in KiCad6 nightly (C64C Motherboard KiCad Replica update 0) ▶
Commodore 64 NTSC to PAL Conversion | see description for new switch! ▶
Commodore 64 NTSC to PAL Conversion | see description for new switch! ▶
Atari ST Hard Drives - SCSI - ACSI - SD Cards - Is it worth it? ▶
Mr. Wimpy on a Commodore 64 ▶
C64 Repair part 1 - Power Switch ▶
Commodore 64 (C64) Datalux SV-703 Cartridge Expander - Teardown / Repair ▶
Commodore 64 (C64) Datalux SV-703 Cartridge Expander - Teardown / Repair ▶
Hover Bovver on the Commodore 64 ▶
Commodore 64 IRQ LED Mod - Lyonsden Blog ▶
High Noon on a Commodore 64 ▶
Brothers in Oscillators by Mibri (C64C) (8580R5) (Real hardware recording) ▶
Brothers in Oscillators by Mibri (C64C) (8580R5) (Real hardware recording) ▶
Aftermath on a Commodore 64 ▶
Retrobrighting a very yellow C64C ▶
How to Hookup a PAL Commodore C64 to a NTSC CRT Monitor or TV ▶
Best new C64 Games in 2021 ▶
Doppia riparazione Commodore: *C64G & *C64C No Audio e datassette spento, porta joystick difettosa ▶
Doppia riparazione Commodore: *C64G & *C64C No Audio e datassette spento, porta joystick difettosa ▶
Storm on the Commodore 64 ▶
The Commodore Clear Case: NEW 3D Printed Cases for the C64 Breadbin! ▶
The Commodore Clear Case: NEW 3D Printed Cases for the C64 Breadbin! ▶


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